Here is some help! We suggest going over the questions several times. You should do this a number of times until you feel comfortable with all questions.
Time is the single most common fault that all test takers have trouble with. If you are familar with these study questions and know them well you will save time without knowing it.
Make sure you pace yourself during the test. Keep track of how much time you have used not how much is left.
Usually two choices can be eliminated from each question.
If you can not eliminate any answers skip this question and come back to it.
When required to read a passage such as in the lab questions you should scan/skim the passage to get a vague impression then read the questions. You will be surprised at how some answers come to you very quickly.
Do not guess. Eliminate 1-2 choices then "pick" out the best choice. You should be willing to bet money on this choice.
Scientific sounding answers are better than slang sounding answers.
Avoid extreme statements such as answers with these key words always...never...completely...
If the answers contain two answers that are opposite from each other then one of these is usually correct.
These are some sample TIPS and you can get the rest of the TIPS from [link removed]
On 6/04/03, Terry wrote: > Here is some help! > We suggest going over the questions several times. You > should do this a number of times until you feel comfortable > with all questions. > > Time is the single most common fault that all test takers > have trouble with. If you are familar with these study > questions and know them well you will save time without > knowing it. > > Make sure you pace yourself during the test. Keep track of > how much time you have used not how much is left. > > Usually two choices can be eliminated from each question. > > If you can not eliminate any answers skip this question and > come back to it. > > When required to read a passage such as in the lab > questions you should scan/skim the passage to get a vague > impression then read the questions. You will be surprised > at how some answers come to you very quickly. > > Do not guess. Eliminate 1-2 choices then "pick" out the > best choice. You should be willing to bet money on this > choice. > > Scientific sounding answers are better than slang sounding > answers. > > Avoid extreme statements such as answers with these key > words > always...never...completely... > > If the answers contain two answers that are opposite from > each other then one of these is usually correct. > > These are some sample TIPS and you can get the rest of the > TIPS from > [link removed]!
I will be taking both biology exams in June. I am worried about the essay exam more than anything. Was the essay exam very difficult? I have been studying my biology book (by Campbell & Reece) and Cliff Notes so I hope that helps. I guess I am worried because I will not know what's going to be asked.
On 4/21/09, Jo wrote: > I found it very helpful to take all the end of year tests posted > online. If you google Biology Exam they come up...especially VA > state exams from past years. ETS also has a full exam you can > buy to take that also scores you (raw and curved) and > catagorizes your answers so you know what sections to work on. > I am 8 years out of school and passed these exams. If you can > find a college Biology book just reading through that gives you > the majority of the answers. Cliff Notes also makes study > guides that overview each science subject, but not in great > enough detail to go by on their own. Best of Luck! free praxis prep and this is primarily for biology student but i think they have free englist etc but you have to join for free and request it...
On 1/03/04, Sharon Wynne wrote: > On 6/04/03, Terry wrote: >> I read your lengthy "tips". There is no penalty for > guessing on the Praxis. Now, that tip alone just put points > on the board. I would hope logic and commen sence approach > goes a long way to developing trust. It is simple, know your > stuff. Know content, know pedagogy. There are guides to do > that and XAM is my company. You find them at > Other tips are really pretty slimy in my estimation and > misleading. If you have to be told to dress warmly and bring > a number two pencil I say...don't come. > > Listen folks, I assume you know your stuff. In fact your > problem just might be you know to much and now you need to > find it in your brain. > > By giving just enough details to actually review likely > topics detailed with competencies and skills tied directly to > the test you will remember what is already in your head. > > Let me give you an analogy. If your desk is a mess it is like > your head. Everything could be right there in front of you > but it is so disorganized that it takes time to find it again. > > Study time is a little like cleaning off your desk. Soon you > take the weight off the desk and sort major catagories such > as genetics, environmental science, botnay, etc. Then you get > the major details of the courses. Then you start to remember > the details of each course. Suddenly the whole picture begins > to take shape and you find your self esteem is once again in > place. In fact you will be amazed on how much you already > know. It is a good feeling to. > > Now there are some of you out there that are really not > qualified to take the test and you know it is a stretch for > you. Hint, I do not want you in front of my child this year. > Sorry, I would love to sell you my study guide and yes it > would put you on the trail to a higher score but it would be > no more responsible on my part than it is on yours. > > Content review is only one element to becomming a great > teacher. Pedagogy is another topic. I make a PLT pedagogy > book that might be a better place for you to start. Honestly, > this is not a bad comment. It simply means that you are not > ready. You may want to take my Praxis Biology study guide > just to see what you don't know and then again what it is you > do know. I guess that is a valuable lesson as well. But > again, please do not sit for the test until you are really > ready.