HI Teachers
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Hello, I am currently working on my Elementary Education
degree in Buffalo, Ny. I was just wondering if anyone had
any specifics on what it would be like to teach in Hawaii.
It would be very helpful to talk to someone who has moved
to Hawaii and teaches there. I was just curious about
salary, benefits, good school districts and anything else
that would help me make a decision on where to teach. Any
help would be appreciated. Thanks.
gail cosky /blockquote>

On 2/20/05, Jon wrote:
> Hello, I am currently working on my Elementary Education
> degree in Buffalo, Ny. I was just wondering if anyone had
> any specifics on what it would be like to teach in
> It would be very helpful to talk to someone who has moved
> to Hawaii and teaches...See More
May 5, 2005
Bolden /blockquote>

On 2/20/05, Jon wrote:
> Hello, I am currently working on my Elementary Education
> degree in Buffalo, Ny. I was just wondering if anyone had
> any specifics on what it would be like to teach in Hawaii.
> It would be very helpful to talk to someone who has moved
> to Hawaii and teaches the...See More
Jun 16, 2005
High School Science Teacher /blockquote>

I've taught here for 5 years, lived here for 20, planning on
moving to another state at end of next school year. Reasons are
the COL is too high and getting worst, the state and county gov.
are too big, inefficient and have not kept up w/infastructure.
The state will have to raise taxes, big time. We are in grid...See More
Jun 18, 2005
been there... /blockquote>

High School Teacher,
You might get a real wake up call when you get back to the
mainland if you think the COL is so high. I just left Oahu and am
in western Washington state, prices are the same as in Hawaii.
And we drove across country and found prices in general were the
same as in Hawaii. I think the C...See More
Jul 7, 2005

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