HI Teachers
1 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Dear Kid Magnet,

I very much appreciate your positive responses to several
inquiries concerning teaching in Hawaii, having read some
other very negative messages on the chatboard. I would
like to ask you (or anyone else who may happen to read this
post) for any advice you might have. My situation is this:

I have lived in Taiwan for the past 12 years, teaching
English to non-native speakers. I am married to a
Taiwanese woman. We have two children, the oldest of which
is now entering 1st grade. Due to career and educational
considerations, we have decided to return to the U.S. My
plan is to enroll in the 4-semester teacher certification
program at the University of Hawaii and become certified as
an ESL teacher. Eventually I would like to teach high
school English, but thought that my best foot in the door
in terms of a teaching career in Hawaii would be through
ESL, as I could rely on my do...See More
kid magnet /blockquote>

HI Andy,

From reading your info that you shared. It sounds like you
won't have too many problems getting a job in the DOE
system. When I entered, it was in Dec and they needed a
teacher badly. My BA is in Christian Ed and my AA is in
Early Childhood Ed. I also had about 15 years teaching
experie...See More
Oct 29, 2005

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