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To Whom It May Concern,

After reading a number of these messages concerning haoles
and how they tend to fare in the Aloha State, I'm curious
about two things (we're moving to Hawaii next month):

1) How will my children be regarded? I am white and my
wife is Chinese. Our two children are both pre-school
aged and are bilingual Mandarin/English. Family and
friends tend to agree they are more Euro than East Asian
in appearance.

2) I understand through my reading that only 1% of people
residing in the state of Hawaii are pure native Hawaiian -
a fact which gets lost for me in most of these postings,
in which white mainlanders are pitted against the native
Hawaiians. But if only one in a hundred persons in the
state are pure descendents of the ancient Hawaiians, and
about one in three is white, where do the extra numbers
come in? It isn't true, is it, that first or second
generation As...See More
Toni /blockquote>


Your children will be fine. Everybody in Hawaii is
multi-ethnic. In Hawaii, there is a predominance of Asians;
Japanese, Chinese, and Filipinos. A 'haole' in Hawaii is
really equivalent to the degenerative term for 'mainlander.'
Just my opinion. My casual take on it: if you walk in to
th...See More
Feb 26, 2006
Kaleo /blockquote>

Dear Moving There Soon,
I wanted to email you about your posting to put your heart
at ease. I just moved to CA with my husband, but I was born
and raised in Hawaii on the island of Maui. I moved to Oahu
to go to University.
You are right, "pure" Hawaiians make up a very small part of
the population, b...See More
Mar 28, 2006

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