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My name is Becky Mallatt and I am from Oregon. I am
organzing a 50 state quilt block exchange and I have all
but 10 of the states ready to go. Hawaii is one that I
don't have yet. I know this is a long shot, but I came
upon this chatboard, so I thought maybe I could send you
the info and maybe one of the K-2 teachers here would like
to participate. It will be totally free for you to join
us, because the grant pays for everything. Here is the
info I have posted on several websites. If you would like
to join or know someone else who would, PLEASE reply ASAP.
thanks so much and have a great day!

I received a "Kids in Need" grant for a "50 State Quilt
Exchange." Here's how the project will work: I will get
one teacher
from each of the 50 states to agree to make 50 identical
PAPER quilt squares to represent their state. They should
be 6" square, done TLC-style (cut/glued paper). For
in...See More
Becky /blockquote>

I'm down to only 5 states I still need .... come on,
Hawaii!!! This won't cost you anything except materials to
make your quilt squares; postage is totally paid for!! Read
below for more info:

On 2/19/07, Becky Mallatt wrote:
> My name is Becky Mallatt and I am from Oregon. I am
> organzin...See More
Feb 22, 2007

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