HI Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hi everyone,

I am a licensed elementary education teacher in Hawaii. I
am also in the Hawaii DOE system. (My first pick was
Central Oahu and then Leeward Oahu.) It is already July
18, 2007, and I have only gotten 3 phone calls for
interviews. What's going on? I thought there was a
teacher shortage. Am I the only one not getting many calls
for interviews at public elementary schools on Oahu?
Please let me know what your experience has been in looking
for a teaching position? Thanks.
HI Teacher /blockquote>

Honestly, I made my own connection with a principal, then I
had to jump through hoops to get into the system so he could
hire me. After my name was on the eligible list, I never got
a single call. I'm not sure if that was because the
principal had already "taken" me or what, but it was strange.

I'm ...See More
Jul 19, 2007
Job Seeker /blockquote>

Thanks for your input, HI Teacher. Are you still looking for a
teaching position? If so, what steps have you taken?

On 7/19/07, HI Teacher wrote:
> Honestly, I made my own connection with a principal, then I
> had to jump through hoops to get into the system so he could
> hire me. After my ...See More
Jul 19, 2007
HI Teacher /blockquote>

Sorry, guess I was unclear. I did get the job because I went
through the principal first. After that, it was all hoops to
jump through to make myself eligible for him to hire me. I knew
of the school where I wanted to work and made contacts through
the school instead of just applying to HIDOE like they want....See More
Jul 21, 2007
GuamGirl /blockquote>

Hi there job seeker!

I was wondering if you found a teaching position? I am
relocating to Aiea, Oahu by June/July 2008 and I hope to get
a job for the next school year. It's so funny that my first
pick is also Central Oahu and then Leeward Oahu!

I am certified in secondary ed. social studies a...See More
Oct 6, 2007

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