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Hi. I'm an experienced social studies and business teacher
(completeing 7 years). My family and I are wanting to
relocate to Hawaii and are wondering if anyone knows of any
places that may need someone in those subject areas. I
have taught primarily in Middle School, but hold a
secondary licence in my state for grades 7-12 and have some
experience as an adjunct instructor at the college level.
If anyone could provide some assistance I would be
grateful. Thanks in advance.
HI DOE /blockquote>

Social studies is an area where we have way too many teachers and too few
positions. It is not at all a high need area in any part of the state, from what I
know. I am not sure about business, but I know in my area, it is definitely not a
high needs as schools focus so much on math and reading for the state test...See More
May 17, 2008

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