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I believe the effects of what a child goes through in a
public school system may depend on the location of the
school. Racism is everywhere and comes from the adults who
past these feelings consciuosly or unconsciously onto
their children. My children experienced racism in the
public and private sectors here in Hawaii because they are
a mixed breed. Unfortunately when the children who
offended were asked if they knew the meanings to words
they called my boys they had no clue only that they had
heard if from an adult. I was born and raised in Hawaii
and returned home when my children were 11, 7 and 3. My
oldest had the worst experiences with racism and hated
living here. My middle child learned to adapt and although
was called names growing up never let it bother him as
much. My youngest was never affected by being mixed,
however when she went off to college on the mainland,
Northern California, tha...See More

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