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I have a situation where I would like other people's opinion. Two weeks ago, my schools enrollment went up and my principal asked if I would like to teach on my conference period (which is an extra $10,000). Everything was going great until another teacher found out that because of the master schedule, they would have to change their conference period from 7th to 2nd. This teacher raised such a fuss (started rumors, resigned off committees, etc), that the pricipal change her mind and told me that I now can not teach the extra period. So basicly, I lost out on $10,000 because the other teacher refused to switch their conference period. Should I be upset at that teacher when he knew if the switch wasn't made, I would lose out on $10,000. We are talking about quite a bit of money, not $200 or a minimal amount. Just wondering what others would think and do if this happened to them.

carmen On 10/01/09, teacher wrote: > I have a situation where I would like other people's > opinion. Two weeks ago, my schools enrollment went up and > my principal asked if I would like to teach on my > conference period (which is an extra $10,000). Everything > was going great until another teacher found out that > because of the maste...See More
Oct 18, 2009

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