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sign up with our 50 States Postcard Project! Actually we
are a group that emails postcards (ecards). Find your
favorite ecard sight online....or.... Create your own ecard.

Test this on yourself:
Find an online image of something about your state.
Go to File and select: send image.
An email page will pop up.
Type in the send to information, subject line, and a message
that contains information about your state, things students
like to do in your state, favorite state foods, etc.. and
sentiments that the students have.
Send the email (ecard)!

When it arrives, the image will usually appear at the bottom
of the email message. The picture image will still be
openable as a jpeg or jpg image. Print it out, and there
you have it. No postage required, no time lost scrounging
around for postage or postcards.

On the other hand, you can also send postcards the old
fashioned way (snail mail). Let us k...See More

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