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I am the CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit
Disorder)facilitator for Des Moines. Our support group
consists of parents with children that have ADHD as well as
adults that are dealing with it. I have been doing this for
over two years now. The most common frustration I am coming
across is the difficulty the parents are having when it
comes to dealing with their children and school. Some find
teachers that are very helpful one year and the next year
they may have a teacher that does not understand how to
deal with students that have ADHD.

I understand their frustration because our daughter who is
in high school asked to sit in the front row in one of her
classes and was told by her teacher she could not because
her last name was at the end of the alphabet. When she told
the teacher she has ADHD and it helps her pay attention the
teachers response was, "So go take some Ritalin and sit...See More
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Let me clarify... /blockquote>

I know there are differences between Autism, ADHD, ADD, etc.
How I am trying to suggest is that in order for teachers to do a
better job, then consultants can make suggestions for working
with these students. When methods, other than meds, are found
to work, then maybe a 504 plan needs to be written, so that th...See More
May 3, 2002
Laura /blockquote>

These are good suggestions for students that really need a 504.
My concern is that teachers are not well informed about ADHD.
Not all students need a 504 just as not all students with ADHD
need medication. I understand your concern with the
legislature. I will be speaking at a workshop in June for
teache...See More
May 4, 2002
In my spare time driving down the road... /blockquote>

In my spare time driving down the road, I listen to audio tapes...
sometimes I actually have to go to the library and check out the
book, as I must see in print the words that I am listening to...

The book I am listening to right now is a case in point... a
lawyer has gone to visit an colleague that is now...See More
May 5, 2002
Dj Koch /blockquote>

Hi my name is Dj. I'm 27 years old and within a year ago,
learned I had Adhd. Throughout my life I struggled with school
and hated it. Recently I've been put on medication called
Adderall. The medication helps me stay focused alot better and
so on. Because of it I love school, know and reading. My
concer...See More
Oct 7, 2002
ADHD Grad Student Recently Dx'ed /blockquote>

Yes, I agree with the empowerment issue instead of the control. I
am currently a graduate student and have dealt with controlling
professors who have tried to control me instead of empower me.
From personal experience I can tell you that this doesn't work at
all. This "controlling" has made me feel worse abo...See More
Nov 12, 2003

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