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Hi! I am a hs foreign language teacher in texas and am trying to get feedback from teachers in other states about note-taking or lack of in foreign lang classes especially-- but all feedback is appreciated.

My question is: do you require your students to take notes in your class? If so, what is the procedure? are the students responsible for listening and writing what they think is important, do they copy information from the board/overhead, or do you give them handouts of notes?

I want to raise the standard of learning in my classroom because I see that our students are not college-ready when they leave our area schools. I think if just one teacher can expose these kids to higher expectations,they will do better (or at least not as surprised when they get to college). On the other hand, I want to raise the standard by just a little--I don't want to overkill.

TIA for any responses to this.

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Foreign Language