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Help, please! What do other schools do about preschool
tuition? Do you charge a fee? If so, what are the fees and
guidelines involved with the fee? How does your fee compare
with the local area private and public preschools. Any
information will be greatly appreciated.
Pre-K programs with 2 classes each, no fee, but the kids... /blockquote>

must meet Title I guidelines. We have been doing it this way
for YEARS. Thank goodness. We do have many fine preschools
in our community that charge, but I am not up on their pay
scales, etc. All are in churches, so I know that makes some
difference... no building rental, no utilities, some
scholarships for t...See More
May 14, 2002
Hyla /blockquote>

On 5/14/02, Pre-K programs with 2 classes each, no fee, but the
kids... wrote:
> must meet Title I guidelines. We have been doing it this way
> for YEARS. Thank goodness. We do have many fine preschools
> in our community that charge, but I am not up on their pay
> scales, etc. All are in church...See More
May 14, 2002

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