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Has anyone started to put together their portfolio? I
understand for evaluation procedure, and to move on career
ladder we have to have one...sooooooon! It has to do with our
Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria. It is becoming very
difficult to put together! We have 8 standards with 42
bullets under the 8 standards. What kind of things are
teachers putting in these evlauation portfolios? I feel I am
going to spend too much time doing this and taking away from
teaching!! How are you dealing with all of this STRESS!!!!!
Thanks Colleen
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Lynn /blockquote>

Who said we had to have one? I'm certified, but I sub so I
haven't heard a thing.


On 10/16/02, colleen wrote:
> Has anyone started to put together their portfolio?
Oct 17, 2002
Deb ms/IA /blockquote>

No child left behind is nation wide not just in Iowa so all
techers will be doing these things!

We only have to concentrate on one of the 7 points and that is
teacher improvement. We are making this part of our PGP,
professional growth plan for this year. These 7 points do not
take effect until 20...See More
Oct 17, 2002
al-ia /blockquote>

I am with Lynn. I am certified but working as an aide in the
alternative school, so I am double out of the loop. Where does
one find out about this requirement?
Jan 19, 2003
vic /blockquote>

OK, so where have I been??????? I have heard NOTHING at all about
this portfolio. Where are you all getting your info.???? Is it
from your district? I haven't heard a word.


On 10/17/02, Deb ms/IA wrote:
> No child left behind is nation wide not just in Iowa so all
> techers will be ...See More
Jan 26, 2003
Nick /blockquote>

On 1/26/03, vic wrote:
> OK, so where have I been??????? I have heard NOTHING at all about
> this portfolio. Where are you all getting your info.???? Is it
> from your district? I haven't heard a word.
> Vic
> On 10/17/02, Deb ms/I...See More
Apr 20, 2003

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