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I am a teacher in Connecticut and interested in moving to
Idaho. I am wondering about techer saleries so I can make
an informed decision. Help!
Positive person /blockquote>

On 3/06/04, Karl Wilson wrote:
> I am a teacher in Connecticut and interested in moving to
> Idaho. I am wondering about techer saleries so I can make
> an informed decision. Help!
> Karl

I lived in Idaho from 1971-1984 and during that time teacher
salaries were WAY behind other stat...See More
Mar 6, 2004
JG /blockquote>

I moved here from back east six years ago. The salary is much
lower and the benefits are definately not as good. The quality
of services is something to get used to also, especially in the
area of special education. If you would like, I could e-mail
more information.

good luck

> I...See More
Jun 27, 2004

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