IN Teachers
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    I am a graduate student at Texas A&M University, Corpus
    Christi. I am conducting research for my master's degree
    in Curriculum & Instruction, specializing in math.
    Specifically, I created a survey regarding the role of
    virtual manipulatives in today's mathematics classroom. I
    am ...See More

    I noticed they have a graduate certificate program in ESL
    at Indiana State University. It's only 12 credits, offered
    on-line, and can be completed over the summer. Have any of
    you taken this course? Does this meet the state
    requirements and allow you take the ESL certification test?

    I have taught ES...See More

    Accelovance is looking to help protect teachers during the
    upcoming flu season. Volunteers are needed to participate
    in a study to evaluate pomegranate extract (derived from
    the seeds of the pomegranate fruit) and how it might help
    protect against the common cold and flu. This all natural
    approach to the ...See More

    Off-topic but important: A vote for a Democrat
    representative is a vote for amnesty for 20 million
    illegal aliens and open borders. The only folks standing
    in the way are House Republicans. I'm not taking sides,
    just advising the consequences.
    They lost,, no big loss... /blockquote>

    Well, we know what happened, but you're actually wrong.
    Only a few House Republicans support restrictions on
    illegals. In fact, one of the biggest champions for Amnesty
    is George W. Bush, so the GOP has, IMO, dropped the ball on
    this one.

    I think this is one example where both parties are answering...See More
    Dec 28, 2006

    Dear Teachers,

    If you are a teach students in grades 4-9, we invite you to
    participate in a special pilot study for a federally funded
    research project, the e-Learning for Educators Initiative.

    The Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC)
    at Boston College is conducting a pilot s...See More

    [link removed]

    Dear Teachers,

    If you teach students in grades 4-9, we invite you to
    participate in a special pilot study for a federally funded
    research project, the e-Learning for Educators Initiative.

    The Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC)
    at Boston College is conducting a pilot study t...See More

    How difficult is it to get a job in Bloomington or nearby
    areas? I am eligible for HS math and computer science

    2007 is the big reading adoption year in IN. What do think
    looks good? Anybody had experience with using any of the
    programs on the state adoption list?
    view previous comments
    Susan/IN /blockquote>

    Our district had thought about waiting a year to adopt because
    some of the publishers' materials wouldn't be ready for
    preview. Now they say they will be, so we are going ahead.
    This has been a problem in the past; I hope we get to see

    As for meeting all standards - if I were you, I'd lo...See More
    Jan 2, 2007
    Kelly /blockquote>

    Our district has narrowed our choices to Harcourt Trophies and
    MacMillan McGraw Hill. It's a hard decision to make. A
    colleague is piloting MacMillan and she really likes it. Has
    anyone heard anything about either?

    On 1/02/07, Susan/IN wrote:
    > Our district had thought about waiting a year to ad...See More
    Feb 23, 2007

    Every teacher is entitled to a duty-free lunch and
    planning and preparation time. Except for a few minor
    changes made in the 1995 rewrite of the Texas Education
    Code, the statutes have essentially remained the same.

    Duty-free lunch – Texas Education Code, Sec. 21.405
    By law, each classroom teacher ...See More

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