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I sent a letter to my son's teacher this morning asking her
to tell me the procedures for turning in homework, and if
she had any suggestions on "what" items to keep at his desk
so he does not have to keep running to his cubby to get the
proper materials to do an assignment while at
school...because he is "afraid" to ask her to go to the
cubby to get the materials and then he just borrows some
off another kid. (she is a very strict/mean spirited
teacher and all the kids are scared to death of her. She
has a reputation!!) And he keeps doing his homework but
the next day it is still in his homework folder...I ask him
what the procedures were and he said "I don't know.. She
didn't ask for it..." I asked him if he was supposed to
turn it in or if she was supposed to ask him for it. He
said, "I don't know, she didn't say". So since he
evidentally has no clue as to what to do and his grades are
suffering...See More
Washington Teacher /blockquote>

As a teacher, let me tell you, your child is not the only
child this teacher has to look after. Teaching is a complex
job and oftentimes teachers do not have time to deal with a
single issue from a concerned parent - especially one that
sends in a note such as you did. You have a valid concern
about this teac...See More
Nov 15, 2006
kira /blockquote>

if the teacher won't help him then you should find some time
and talk to her. Talk face to face withe her get the
prociders and then tell them to your son or take him with
you. You can also try and ask the parents of other children
Nov 28, 2006

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