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Why is it so hard to find a high school math position in
Indiana? I spent all summer interviewing in the western
coutnies. I am mid-40 and have no teaching experience. I
have been told that math teachers are in demand, but I
don't find that to be true. I am wondering if my age is an
issue. I interviewed at a school and was told that they
were looking for teacher with experience. Then I
substituted there and found out that the new math teacher
is fresh out of college. I am not sure if I should give up
looking for a job and go back to my old career.
mo /blockquote>

I had a friend when I lived in northern Indiana who returned
to school to get her math education degree so she could teach
math at the high school level. She found out that she was
looked over for most positions in that area because they also
wanted someone to coach a sport as well as teach math. She
lac...See More
Oct 19, 2006

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