IN Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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We are currently recruiting for a paid online study taking
place between Tuesday, October 24th and Thursday, October
26th. This study is conducted as a bulletin board and
allows you to go in and out of the sight at your
convenience over the three days. Compensation is $100 for
the 3-day online study. If you are interested, please reply
with the following information:





1. What grade do you currently teach?

2. Which of the following best describes where your school
is located?

a. Inner city
b. Urban
c. Suburban
d. Small town
e. Rural

3. What percentage of students in your school come from
low income families?

4. What percentage of your students come from minority

Elizabeth Fisher
Senior Project Director
Focus Forward, LLC
610.279.8900 x236
[email removed]]

Teacher Chatboards


Subject Areas

Language Arts

Foreign Language