IN Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I'm a teacher in Michigan, also certified in Illinois, who
can't find a job in either state. You hear about certain
states like North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, etc. who are
hiring like mad at the job fairs and so on. You also hear
about states like Michigan that aren't hiring at all unless
you're Special Ed or an administrator's child. I've never
heard about Indiana's hiring scene. It occurs to me that if
I'm willing to move to Arizona to teach, I might as well
look to my neighbor to the south.

So any job action down there? Or is it as bad as it is in
Michigan (which is hundreds of applications for every job)?
el-toro /blockquote>

Its bad. I'm certified in Ohio and Indiana. I just moved
over to Indiana because I couldn't find a job in Ohio, but I
have family here. I'm finding the same thing in Indiana.
Too many applicants for every job.

On 1/05/07, Any jobs down there? wrote:
> I'm a teacher in Michigan, also certified in ...See More
Jan 7, 2007
Jterk /blockquote>

Indiana does have a decent amount of teacher openings on
average. Having several great colleges here offers a lot of
variation in the types of jobs available as well
Jan 11, 2007
D.R /blockquote>

On 1/11/07, Jterk wrote:
> Indiana does have a decent amount of teacher openings on
> average. Having several great colleges here offers a lot of
> variation in the types of jobs available as well
I relocated to FLA. yes they are desparate for teachers Polk
county school dist. offers a 1500 reloc...See More
Jan 14, 2007

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