IN Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I'm from MI, can't get an elementary job jere unless you
know someone or get down and dirty with someone. We have
hundreds and hundreds of apps for one position. How is it
in Indiana? I need to go somewhere where I can support

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are u insane? /blockquote>

have you seen the west va. board??? horrid benefits, they
don't cover maternity?!?!? horrible working conditions,
everyones leaving to go work in Loudoun County, VA. I would
rather live in a cardboard box than work in WV!!!

On 8/05/07, Come to WV! wrote:
> I came to the IN teachers board because ...See More
Aug 5, 2007
Okay drama queen/king /blockquote>

Yes, I have seen the WV board. Do you believe everything you
read on this board? Horrible benefits and working conditions? I
think that is a bit extreme. Have you been in any of these
schools? The original poster said she wanted to teach and
couldn't find a job. I suggested a place that is hiring and has ...See More
Aug 5, 2007
it's true /blockquote>

working conditions are bad, WV is one of the worst in the country,
i believe they rank 50th, i work there. Insurance doesn't cover
what it says it will cover and the state does not support teachers
at all, pretty buildings don't mean that the schools are good.

On 8/05/07, Okay drama queen/king wrote: ...See More
Aug 6, 2007
Where do you teach? /blockquote>

I'd be curious to know where you teach? Which county? Which school?

On 8/06/07, it's true wrote:
> working conditions are bad, WV is one of the worst in the country,
> i believe they rank 50th, i work there. Insurance doesn't cover
> what it says it will cover and the state does not support tea...See More
Aug 6, 2007
uhm.. /blockquote>

I doubt this person is going to say where they work exactly, that
wouldn't be a good idea on a public board, I work in the panhandle as
well and find the working conditions to be "not the greatest", as well
as the pay and health insurance, compared to our neighboring states.
But we are a neglected part of th...See More
Aug 6, 2007

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