IN Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I'm an Indy native and a graduate of Ball State. I got my
undergrad degree in 1991 in elem ed 1-6. After two years
of just trying to get interviews, I left teaching and went
into business. Later, I moved to WV and returned to
teaching in 2004. Here I'm certified K-6 and have since
earned my masters in strategic leadership. Now we're
thinking about moving back to Indy and I'm wondering if
the market is as bad now as it was in 1991? Are there
teaching opportunities? I've been teaching 6th grade
Language Arts for the past 4 years and love the middle
school environment, but obviously would be happy to get a
job somewhere. Can anyone offer any info?

Thanks so much in advance!!! :)
teacher /blockquote>

the market is pretty bad if you are set on teaching in one of
the townships. im not sure about ips. i recommend looking into
the charter schools. i work at one, and there is a relatively
high turnover rate, so there are usually positions available.
all of the ones i know of are inner-city, but i like my school...See More
Mar 16, 2008
IN teacher /blockquote>

Make sure to check out jobs posted in the English area of the
teacher jobs on the DOE website.

[link removed]

That being said, know that the market just got harder, I heard
since Mitch changed the property tax structure many schools
are leary to hire teacher's with master's. Their funding is
sh...See More
Apr 27, 2008

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Language Arts

Foreign Language