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I also took the test yesterday, I think I may have passed
by the skin of my teeth. Some questions were just a guess,
but basically it looks like I had the same test, if not
similar. First question was What is the Taj's a
mosoleum. Also what was Michaelangelo's studies done
in..the anser is chalk. Who did the Jetty, what was the
hardest p[art of it (or something like that) The BRonze
door, (I wrote Danotello but that was wrong it's ghilbertti
I think)_ Also who said something about perspectives (I
wrote Albertti) What were Mexican Murals in the 20th
century about (I had no clue) 2 questions on sleeping gypsy
( I got one wrong I know for sure, the answer what use of

I'll tell you what was NOT on the test I had.. Nothing
about anceint columns Nothing about Pop art Nothing on
Chagal Only the one question on Michaelangelo and one on
davinci Nothing on Matisse Nothing on Monet Nothing on Van...See More

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