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I am a Purdue grad and hold a primary/intermediate generalist license with a reading endorsement. Last semester I worked as a teacher's aide/aide to a child with Autism at a private school. I am now looking for a public school position in Bloomington (and surrounding areas). I am getting more discouraged by the minute. I've had people actually laugh in my face when I said I was looking for an elementary position in Bloomington. Is there really hope for a Purdue grad to get a job in Bloomington? I also have been offered a full-time nanny position which I am reluctant to take in order to hold out hope for a classroom position. If I do take this nanny position my license will expire in April, then what? I only hold an Initial Practitioner's license and should be completing a mentorship/portfolio. I'm worried I'll never get a job if I don't get a job this year. Also I am unfortunately in no place (after student loans) to rely on subbing. Any advice/tips on getting a job or licensing inform...See More
Job Hunter There is still a lot of good jobs posted on the DOE site for elementary, one just came up yesterday for 6th grade near Lafayette (thought being secondary here, don't know with your license what you are looking for).

Don't give up! The first year I taught I didn't even get hired until August 1. Sometimes there is a summer shift in enrollmen...See More
Jul 4, 2008
Riley robably contact the licensing dept. at the state to ask them what you should do about your license if you have not secured a job yet.

Subbing is a good way for schools to get to know you and possibly get hired that way.
Jul 6, 2008
Go Purdue! On 7/04/08, PurdueGrad wrote:

About your student loans....can't you ask for a deferance? I know both my daughters did that when they first got out of college and needed some time to get a job that pays enough to pay back the loans. The loan programs are willing to work with you on paying back what you can afford. They would much rather ge...See More
Jul 14, 2008
Louisa On 7/04/08, PurdueGrad wrote: > I am a Purdue grad and hold a primary/intermediate > generalist license with a reading endorsement. Last > semester I worked as a teacher's aide/aide to a child with > Autism at a private school. I am now looking for a public > school position in Bloomington (and surrounding areas). I > am getting m...See More
Jul 20, 2008

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