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If you are a sub, how many days do you get called usually? I know TRF gives a 1/2 year if you do 60 days and 1 year if you do 120. I also was told they can be from different school systems (just not obviously the same day). I am close to the 10 year vesting year in TRF and have a chance to get a job closer to home (we live in a border state). Closer, better pay, just overall better option, etc. Only thing is, out of state, so different retirement system. I hate to just leave it when I'm this close to vesting.

Long story short, I am just shy if I leave this year, but have a chance to work closer to home and pull a second pension if I pull theirs then finish my IN time once I retire there. But, when I retire from that state system, I would have to do some more IN time to get there pension from TRF. So I'm thinking maybe subbing those last couple of years to make it work out for two checks.

So how many days can I count on from a typical district as a sub?

Anyo...See More

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