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I am a transition to teach grad who has spent 3 years working in the charter schools as an elementary teacher. I have seen 3 different principals in that time. One principal had even less teaching experience than me. I have a proven track record of success with urban kids and have always gotten the scores that earn me a re-hire status (if your class does not achieve within a certain amount improvement on standardized tests in charter schools you are not offered your job the next year). It would be nice to have the things most teachers take for granted like no recess duty, more than a 30 minutes lunch,a plan period each day,and a shorter work day than 7 am to 4pm with only the month of July off. I can't seem to get interviews for the public schools. Does the state or union reps have any idea the pressure/demands that the principals put on the teachers in the charter schools? I hope that this type of schedule does not become the norm for all teachers. I am currently considering 3 options...See More
Susan On 8/02/08, unsure wrote:

So there are how many unemployed teachers with El Ed licenses in Indiana who went through traditional programs and can't find a job or are getting laid off and you are complaining?

If you are unhappy - quit!

There are many people who would love to have your job!

I am so tired of people ...See More
Aug 3, 2008
unsure On 8/03/08, Susan wrote: > On 8/02/08, unsure wrote: It was not a fly by night program that got me into teaching. I have a bachelors plus education courses plus student teaching plus ten years experience with neglected children. Now I realize how completely unaware people with traditional degrees are about the programs out there in education tha...See More
Aug 4, 2008
Susan On 8/04/08, unsure wrote:

Many people with credentials are trying to get teaching jobs in Indiana. Many have worked with at risk neglected children/students. Do not assume that public school teachers work short days. Do not assume that teachers have contracts or unions to back them in Indiana. In Indiana it is who you know that gets you a...See More
Aug 5, 2008
Marie/IN/5 Have you thought about getting on the sub lists of some of the corporations in your area?
Aug 25, 2008

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