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I'm actually writing on behalf of my better half, who's looking into the TTT programs for Business Education. Has anyone out there gone through this process? He's finding it a more twisted route than expected, and we were wondering if anyone has ever successfully pulled this off and, if so, how.

Thanks in advance for your help! Jennifer
IN Teacher Depends on your definition of "twisted" Most TTT programs now have programs to help people get some of their education classes and classes they might be needing in their major area for the Indiana certification, but at one point they all have the person take time off of their full time job to student teach. This is because that is required, to my k...See More
Sep 6, 2008
Almost forgot... Forgot to add please also tell him to look at getting his vocational business endorsement. He can take the classes he needs for it online from Indiana State or on campus at Ball State. He will need outside-of-education work experience to add it as well (not in marketing or self-employment). It will allow him to teach more business classes, includin...See More
Sep 6, 2008
Currently in TTT As somcone who currently is in Business Ed Transition to Teaching, I can tell you first hand what you need to do. (your husband, anyways). The only transition to teaching program around where I live (Mishawaka, IN) is at Bethel College, and that is currently where I am attending. They have a year long program, but before you get accepted, I totally...See More
Sep 6, 2008

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