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I am a Video Professional who is looking at going into teaching video/media at high schools. Is this a area that is popular or needed in highschools? Also, since I don't have a teaching degree, but a BA in TV/Film Production, what would I need to do to be able to teach? Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

IN Teacher You will have to go back to get your education license and student teaching to get your IN license. There are some fast track programs though around the state, so start looking. Some of them take a year or year and a half, depending.....

For your area, check out the DOE site. Look up the assignment code. It is a PDF document that will show...See More
Feb 16, 2009
el-toro I am a former video professional. I worked in the field for 10 years. After my second layoff, I decided a career change was in order and was led to teaching. I had a BA and MA in Mass Communication. I did have a minor in English, Creative Writing. I took the TTT program through Indiana Wesleyan and worked as a full-time substitute until I got my ce...See More
Feb 16, 2009

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