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I want to thank everyone who posted information to this site. I took the test on Sat. and I wouldn't have passed without it! I made study guides based on this site and read the Annotated Mona Lisa. I did my own research based on the study guides, this was invaluable as it provided focus for studying. Some of the questions on the test seem a bit arbitrary and unnecessary.....

I too was stumped by the Durer grasses and the Japanese pine trees. Seemed like more than one response was appropriate, but which signified a “cultural difference”?- I’m not sure. I think I ended up choosing the one about color, but I also think the option containing the clinical description of nature and the essence of nature is right??

For the Robert Adam interior, I choose Baroque ceiling because of the use of the oval.-not sure though.

How about the Cordoba Mosque?

I took the test in Blacksburg, VA……seems like we all had the same test.
starr I put the color one, too for the grass/ trees one. Maybe that was one of those questions that didn't count? It just seemed really impossible. I changed it to the color one after choosing the one you were talking about- the clinical/ vs. essence thing...

As for the Robert Adam interior, who the heck knows?

The Cordoba Mosque one I...See More
Mar 17, 2009
k HA! That is exactly what I did with the grass/tree question!

The Cordoba Mosque-which doesn't it have? mosaic decorations or flying buttresses. I put flying buttresses, but I couldn't decide on this one either.

On 3/17/09, starr wrote: > > I put the color one, too for the grass/ trees one. Maybe that > was one of those qu...See More
Mar 17, 2009
Starr Hm, I remember now. I think that was one of the questions I thought was kind of faulty, with no really great answer. The mosque does have mosaics,horseshoe arches and all of the other stuff mentioned. Flying buttresses is probably the right answer (and what I put) but actually the cathedral side of it does have flying buttresses as well... It's a c...See More
Mar 17, 2009

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