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I have some questions about the new teaching licensing.

I graduated under rules 46-47 in 1991 - so I have always done traditional in class course work - now the rules have changed and apparently I can also take CRUs or CEUs. Now I have NEVER done a professional growth plan - because it didn't exist while I was in college and then I was still required to take regular college credit courses.

I am not currently working in a school - but I want to renew my license - but do not understand what courses I can take to renew my license - I know I can take the same types of courses I have taken - but expensive and I have 200 college credit hours and still no teaching job - though I have subbed and worked in other types of school jobs.

I have read everything at the Indiana Teacher site - checked with the local colleges and I still am not sure what things besides regular classes that I can take.

I did google and found some free or lowcost CRUs or CEUs - are thos...See More
What I heard Are you at a point where you can professionalize? It is my understanding if 46-47 professionalizes the next time around, we can do 10 years cycles after that now (as opposed to before, where we could only do a 10 year once). They require a master's in the major area, and because of the new rules, minors and endorsements that might be on the same li...See More
Sep 6, 2010
Sandy New rules since July 2010, see them on the Indiana teacher site - I cannot professionalize even if I get a Masters - since I have never had a teaching contract (subbed and para) and no school system will hire a Master in this economy anyway - what with layoffs.

I have spent so much money on classes already.

I want a cheaper way to...See More
Sep 6, 2010
Sandy19 Looking for online Cru and Ceu renewal classes for Indiana teachers - already know about pbs online and cantor - anyone have some other ones - hopefully quick courses that are lowcost?

Topic specific answers please.

Thank you.

On 9/06/10, Sandy wrote:

> > > > > > > New rules since July 2010,...See More
Sep 19, 2010

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