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I was kind of curious as to how teachers who know how charters work really feel about them. I have heard the criticism that they are a drain from the other public schools. I would think that public school teachers would like charter schools. I say that since at my child's school the teachers have the freedom to create their own curriculums to teach. I would think that professionals would like that kind of freedom.]

I teach at a private school that offers kindergarten. I can easily meet the benchmarks with my students for the state standards but we go about the curriculum in a very developmentally appropriate way. I just do not have all those restrictions put on by administrators and I would think the charter school teachers have that same. I feel respected for my intelligence and expertise. Isn't that something all teachers would want instead of having to teach to a canned curriculum?

Maybe I am opening up a can of worms here, but I am just having a problem understan...See More
Ana I'm not sure I followed your thoughts all the way through your post, but it seemed your basic question was, "Why would a public school teacher have an issue with charter schools?" Charter schools are, in a sense, run like a private school. Students have to apply to attend. This gives the charter the unique ability to select students, which in no wa...See More
Jan 6, 2011
Charter School parent On 1/06/11, Ana wrote: > I'm not sure I followed your thoughts all the way through > your post, but it seemed your basic question was, "Why would > a public school teacher have an issue with charter schools?" > Charter schools are, in a sense, run like a private school. > Students have to apply to attend. This gives the charter the &...See More
Jan 6, 2011

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