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I recently went through the Connecticut ARC program . I was successful in in student teaching. I passed all the assignments that I was given. The program began in October 2011 and concluded in May 2012. Passing the Art Praxis 0135 by a deadline of May 2013 is the final leg toward success.

I took the Art Praxis 0135 in April 2013. We were told to bring 8X11 printed samples of our own art to used on the Essay. We were told not to staple the art Work that we brought and to just take the art prints home. I recall that the instructions printed on the actual test said to staple it. I do not know how they can grade an essay on an art piece when the picture is not attached, but I followed instructions given by the proctor.I failed the test.

Took the Art praxis 0135 test again in July 2012. The test was in a live classroom due to space limitations. There was a divider, but I was still listening to people discussing type "S"" corporations verses "LTD" and so forth. I really h...See More

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