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Dear Fellow Educators,

Please, recognize your exchange students and/or teachers
who are in your schools at this time. It a great chance to
have them talk to other classes about education in other
countries. It is also a great time to recruit folks to
host exchange students and teachers from other countries
and to recognize the many advocates and educators
throughout the ages that have enabled us to beome the great
nation that we are today. Well over 50 years ago the AFS
Amulance Drivers in WWII put their resources together and
organized a way to continue their efforts toward promoting
peace and goodwill when they began AFS International
Programs. Their goal was to eliminate war. Today the AFS
exchanges with 43 different countries. Many former AFSers
sit in parliments and congresses, make laws, serve as CEOs
and ambassadors in their native countries helping their
fellow citizens to better unders...See More

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