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Hi everyone! My name is Amanda and this is my first post to this site. My son has been transferred from one elementary school to another for behavior issues and I am concerned that public school may not be the best place for him right now. He is not a "bad" or malicious child, but is quite hyperactive. I am unable to do it personally at this time because of my job and really what I am looking for is a person or program that may be able to take him on as a one- on-one teacher (or even someone who teaches a small number of children at the same time), so that it is more like a regular school day. I am open to someone coming to my home, him coming to your home or a center, library...whatever works really. I am in the beginning stages of my look, but I do notice that he is much more calm, focused and well- behaved when he isn't having to compete with a lot of other children.

If anyone is interested or knows of any interested parties or programs that I can look into, PLEASE PLEASE ...See More
Sounds expensive Hiring somebody as a full time private tutor for your child would be extremely expensive. Do you make a small fortune at your job or have you not thought through the costs?

Unless you are very wealthy, your only affordable option would probably be if you can find a homeschooling mother who is willing to add your child to the ones they alr...See More
Aug 17, 2012

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