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Any Jefferson County Teachers around? I am certified experienced math teacher. I have 14 years experience. I have applied to the Jefferson County school system. I have obtained my KY certification. Is there a math teacher shortage there? When do principals begin interviewing applicants? Any suggestions on how to land a position?
J I taught for JCPS for 1.5 years. It seems they only hire 22 year old new graduates. Impossible to get hired if you have experience, have been out of school for awhile. They want fresh faces. They hire men and minorities a lot too.

On 4/21/13, NeedAJob wrote: > Any Jefferson County Teachers around? I am certified > experienced math te...See More
Apr 23, 2013
NeedAJob What was your subject area? Seems they have 15 math openings for next year? Hard to believe there would be that many 22 years that want to teach in a urban district. I have taught in urban district before. New teachers find it very difficult. Many even quit before the year is over. Seems they would value experience since I read several new articles...See More
Apr 23, 2013
J I am certified in English and Spanish 7-12. You can try. Seems nepotism is rampant in Kentucky schools. There is a good old boy network in the system. I have been subbing for 8 years now. JCPS goes to other countries to recruit teachers for diversity reasons. There are many colleges in the Louisville area pumping out new teachers every year. The ma...See More
Apr 23, 2013
J Schools seem to already have a candidate picked out before an opening is posted.

On 4/23/13, J wrote: > I am certified in English and Spanish 7-12. You can try. Seems > nepotism is rampant in Kentucky schools. There is a good old boy > network in the system. I have been subbing for 8 years now. JCPS > goes to other countries to...See More
Apr 23, 2013

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