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What are you other elementary teachers doing for spelling
instruction? The new CC says to teach spelling rules as
they come up in Reading Essentials. The fourth grade is a
big problem for me. Their Reading Essentials dissects
words with Greek/Latin roots. Our district doesn't want us
using the spelling book we once used. What do you do?
Linzee /blockquote>

I'm first and we teach the word families. We also use some
of the words from our content area studies to include as
bonus words.
Feb 3, 2007
language teacher /blockquote>

I'm still using the spelling book. It may not be the
perfect system for spelling, but it's better than leaving it
up to the whims of students or the teacher to come up with
spelling words. Plus, I look at it as a way to introduce
vocabulary and increase their sight word recognition.

On 2/01/07, CW w...See More
Feb 6, 2007

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