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Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education. I am
starting college this Fall with a major in Education but I
can't decide to go for Early Childhood or Elementary. Can
anyone tell me what the job opportunities are like in
Northwest La? If the job opportunities are slim here, I
figured ECE might benefit me more as I could take on a job
at a daycare until I found a job in an actual school. Then
again, I might would rather work in a daycare at some point
and maybe even try to start my own eventually. I just can't
decide which one i'd rather do since i've obviously never
taght before. I do have two small kids (2 & 3) and have a
good idea what a daycare might be like! (haha) But, do
Elementary schools prefer Elementary certfied teachers over
EC certified teachers?? Thanks for any input!
Administrator just looking around /blockquote>

I can only speak for myself, but I usually look right past
Early Childhood Applications.
My school is 3rd, 4th, 5th grade Intermediate Elementary.
If I have an Early Childhood Teacher, then they are "stuck"
teaching Third Grade in my building.
If you know for a fact that you never want to teach the
upp...See More
Jul 19, 2007

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