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I currently work in accounting for a private company but I've always wanted to do something with more of a human touch. My ex-boyfriend would say my granola-crunching, hippie liberal side is coming out. I just put in an application for Teachnola with the hopes of teaching math. I've been to New Orleans since Katrina and I don't live too far away. I'm also comfortable navigating poor neighborhoods. Once I owned a house where I was the only white person on the street. I've also been around young people since I raised a teenager, so I know what they can be like. So I'm not exactly Ivy League Teach for America, but I think I'd do more good than harm. My problem is this: I read the stories about the teacher lay-offs last year and the idea that I could crowd out someone who has a traditionally acquired certfication because of the positive focus on the non-traditional groups makes me a little uncomfortable. It wouldn't be an issue if a real shortage of teachers existed, but I'm not sure New O...See More
Louisiannie If you can teach math (or science), you can write your own ticket.

Good luck.
Jan 17, 2010

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