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I am an fully certified high school History and English as a Second Language teacher from Sydney, Australia.

My partner is beginning her Masters in August and I'm looking to join her and start looking for work.

Australian's are fortunate enough to have a reciprocal Visa with the US which allows us to work in 'specialty occupations' such as education on an E3 visa. But this is not my problem, my problem is getting my head around all the different state licensing!!

To teach in a public school, do I need a MTEL before I get a job? Can I teach in a Catholic or Charter school without a MTEL? Do some schools employ you on a provisional basis and let you work whilst getting your MTEL?

Also, when is the peak hiring season? The school years in the States and Australia are different, I was looking to start approaching schools in the New Year period 2011 - is this too early?

Sorry for my long post, but as you can see I have a ton of quest...See More
Jarod HM Alex,

I know state certification process is very confusing. Generally, you only need to certified to teach in a public school. So, you do not need to take the MTEL to work in a private or catholic school. Some private school do prefer teachers with certification, but I think most school would make an exception for you since you have certif...See More
Apr 6, 2010
Alex M Thanks for the quick reply. You've definitely sorted out some of the confusion and pointed me in the right direction.

I'll more than likely have more questions as I start applying.

Thanks again.

Also, if there are any overseas teachers in Boston, I'd love to hear your experiences in finding a job.

Alex On 4/06/1...See More
Apr 11, 2010
massesl In order to get you mass teahing certificate youmust pass the MTEL, both the basic test and the subject area tests. In fact, you can get a certificate now based just on having passed those tests and having a college degree, even if you've never taught/taken any education courses. Anyway, good lucj with the tests and job search!

On 4/11/10,...See More
May 7, 2010

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