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i know teaching positions become available over the summer due to enrollment #'s but don't positions also become available during the summer because teachers decide to leave? Is it common for public school teachers to sign their contract in late May or early June and then resign during the summer because they either are going to retire or because the found a new job? This must happen if jobs become available in the summer, right?
teach7 Sorry, that's definitely not what happens in my system. I signed a contract when I was hired 15 years ago and that was it. Most teachers who know they are leaving/retiring have already put in their papers. Very few teachers leave because it's very hard to find a new position. Positions may open in September or October due to unexpected enrollment h...See More
Jun 6, 2010
COBrown It does happen, but not often.

When it does, it is usually because a teacher accepts a new position during the summer, leaving his/her position open. However, as the previous writer noted, that kind of movement is very limited this year because there are fewer completely new positions, fewer retirements, and fewer teachers giving up what ...See More
Jun 25, 2010

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