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Hello my name is Chris Abraham and I offer specialized MTEL Math tutoring designed for teachers who need hands-on math instruction on the General Curriculum math subtest and the 53, 47, & 09 Math MTEL exams.

To learn more or to schedule a free 30 minute MTEL MATH consultation go to my website at [link removed].

Upcoming MTEL Math Workshops for the May 14th MTEL Exam

* Harvard Sq. May 7th, 2011 - All Day Gen. Curr. Math Review - 5 Seats Left - Hosted by Chris Abraham

* Simmons College/NECC/Southborough May 8th, 2011 - All Day Gen. Curr. FULL - Hosted by Chris Abraham

For more information or to reserve a seat for an upcoming workshop contact Chris Abraham, M.Ed. at 617-669-4481 or via email at [email removed]

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