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ASS THE MTEL MATH STATE EXAM May 14, 2011 is dedicated to help you pass the General Curriculum Math MTEL and 53, 47, & 09 MTEL by offering you a comprehensive, personal approach to the Math MTELs.

We offer 1-to-1 tutoring, classes, and all day workshops to teachers who need individualized help passing the General Curriculum Math-Subtest 03, and MTEL’s 53, 47, 51, & 09.

Upcoming MTEL MATH Workshops WHAT: 1 Day General Curriculum Math Workshop - Harvard Sq. WHEN: Saturday May 7th, 2011 (Seating is limited)

WHAT: 1 Day General Curriculum Math Workshop - Southborough. WHEN: Saturday May 8th, 2011

REGISTER TODAY: Call contact Chris Abraham directly at (617) 669.4481 or email [email removed]

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