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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I'm about to take on a teaching job in subject (A), get my Preliminary license in subject (A) but also in an additional subject (B), as a requirement of the program I am in.

In addition, I will be completing a certification/masters program in ONLY subject (B). So after two years I will have a Preliminary license in subject (A), an Initial license in subject (B), and we can assume, still teaching mainly subject (A)

My question is, if after 5 years I am still using my Preliminary license for subject (A), and want to continue teaching only in that subject, what are my options?

Would I need to do additional courswork i.e. an additional certification program (not necessarily an entire Masters Program) to get my Initial in subject (A)? Would it be a better idea to go the PRLM route because I already have my Initial License in another content area as well as 5 years experience?

I'd like to have an idea ahead of time so I can plan well. I know it...See More
multiple licenses I have multiple licenses at varying levels. Getting a preliminary license is as easy as passing the MTEL and applying for the license. To advance it to the initial level,there are a few options - do a college program that includes student teaching (300 hours), do a district program that your district offers, or pay Class Measures $2,500 to evaluate...See More
Feb 8, 2012

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