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I met an incredible teacher the other day. Many of their students over the years felt they went above and beyond and really taught them everything but now some crazy principal is bullying the teacher to make them resign. Is this normal? Why would you get rid of a fantastic teacher?

In my youth, I found that principals were out of touch and they did not understand how to really teach us to learn. They were more like political bullies. My best teachers were older teachers that knew how to teach from experience. How do these principals get away with this and bully older teachers out of schools?
are you referring specifically to MD? You do not say in your post. There have been many posts over the years on the main teacher chatboard, the administrators chatboard,and the substitute teacher chatboard about perceived age discrimination in education. The trouble is that no one can prove what was going on, so how could you claim discrimination?

On 5/25/14, Rubin wrote: >...See More
May 28, 2014

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