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You are deperately trying to spin this into a search
for "evidence" that will meet some sort of criminal or
legal standard. No one, not even the most vehement opponent
of the "alleged" behavior, is advocating criminal
prosecution of these teachers. The outrage is over cruel
and uncaring treatment of children. The punishment is scorn
and disgust.

The legal standard for the proper treatment of children is
very high, but not as high as the social standards we
expect from those entrusted with the welfare of children.
This is what we call a social "duty". Duty is an expected
standard of behavior. The teachers' duty is even higher in
the absence of the childrens' parents who are putting their
lives on the line in the service of this country.

The issue is about how the *CHILDREN* of our servicemen
were treated. Or to put it in simple terms, were teachers
entrusted with the welfare of those chi...See More

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