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So Mainer thoughts are the final word on this? I doubt it,
Mainer, not all teachers in Maine agree with your logic. I
have papers to grade and a teaching career so my time is
limited in exchanges. You must have more time than the
average teacher. I give credit to those that are taking
issue with your rantings though because you are the
minority. Stop putting yourself and your politics first &
start thinking about the CHILDREN!!!
ENOUGH!! /blockquote>

On 3/09/03,
You probably wont post this, but somebody I hope will read
this. Lets stop for a moment the name calling, and lets be
civil to eacher other and look at this from the very

1. The NG colonel went on the O'Reilly show and exposed the
inflammatory story about the "alleged " ha...See More
Mar 9, 2003

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