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I live in LA and teach at the Brentwood School. I teach English and Global Studies. I wanted to let you know I launched a social networking site for teens around the world to connect through poetry. It's called One Billion Poets --

[link removed]

The goal is for teens around the world to post and discuss poetry related to the teenage experience in the 21st century (their hopes, dreams, burdens, joys, etc.) I am calling it one billion b/c there are about 1 billion teens in the world, so I believe that that means there are potentially one billion teen poets. Below, I am copying the about us page.

It's not for profit, and all the teachers have to do is show the kids the site.

I am very excited as it's been only a few days and people from 14 countries and 27 states in The US have been on site. I already have members from South Africa, England, Hong Kong, and the Bahamas. I have posted on numerous education and librarian listservs. It's been great as ...See More
Maria/MI Wonderful site! I just shared this with my students and over break they are going to post some poetry on it.

Thank you,


On 3/17/11, Alexander White wrote: > I live in LA and teach at the Brentwood School. I teach > English and Global Studies. I wanted to let you know I > launched a social networking site fo...See More
Dec 20, 2011

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