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Just curious if anyone here has known a teacher who's contract wasn't renewed, yet they were still able to get another teaching job. This happened to me after my fourth year, right before I would've been tenured. I had excellent evaluations for the first three years, but then our principal retired. The new principal let me go.

I've heard conflicting tales. Many people tell me not to bother, so far, they seem to be right. I've interviewed 10 times with no offers. The schools just can't seem to get over the fact that I was let go. Other people tell me to hang in there, but it's been over a year. I'm an excellent math teacher and I feel that my first three years of excellent evaluations and letters from parents warrant a second chance. Just looking for some feedback.


don't give up It is possible to get a job after being non-renewed, though it is tough. Times are hard for all teachers and there are just not as many jobs as there were in years past. There are other teachers who have been looking for jobs for a year, who have not been non-renewed.

Try subbing if you can (which I know sucks when you've had a permanent ...See More
Nov 14, 2011
Mary Thank you for your words of wisdom! I know that this is what I want to do for the rest of my career, so I'm going to keep fighting. I think the fact that the principal who fired me left the school after only two years due to parent pressure says something about my situation as well. Thanks again!


On 11/14/11, don't give up wr...See More
Nov 15, 2011

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