MI Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Michigan's current atmosphere and attitude toward public education is very frightening and sad for those of us who love public education. Knowing that we have enormous collections of skills makes it harder to understand how to search for and identify a reinvented self. Willing to assist fellow educators as they move to that new you!
Thanks! Unfortunately it's coming down to that! I've officially thrown in the towel for the 12-13 school year to become a mommy. We are blessed to have the wisdom to live below our means, so we won't miss my meager teacher's assistant income.

I've been literally trying to get into a public school job for 6 years... and have served 4 of them in a (...See More
May 8, 2012
Cheryl Flammer I understand that rejection feeling after knowing how qualified you are. It is rough. If you want to check out 'teaching others" while building a business that is yours, let me know. I am very capable and willing to help you reinvent/redirect those skills you have into a business....that is yours, flexible, and creative. Good luck with the kids. Th...See More
May 12, 2012

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