MN Teachers
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    CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Congress in the Classroom® 2005

    DEADLINE: March 15, 2005

    Congress in the Classroom® is a national, award-winning
    education program now in its 13th year. Sponsored by The
    Dirksen Congressional Center, the workshop is dedicated to
    the exchange of ideas and information o...See More

    Free Summer Workshops on Canal-Era History –

    Learn About One of the Best-Kept Secrets of American
    History: The I&M Canal

    Five-day teacher workshops exploring the themes of
    immigration, transportation, western expansion and city
    building through study of the U.S. Canal Era, using the
    I...See More

    A group of dedicated teachers and school administrators from
    Europe and across North America come together to form a
    volunteer team to deliver the seminar. We are looking for
    others to join with us and help. In particular, we need
    specialists in French Language Arts, Writing, Math, Social
    Studies (all levels)...See More

    if i send in an admission application to a university or
    college and get accepted too go do i have too go register
    for classes and go too that school.

    thanks for any information
    Another Jess /blockquote>

    I know you posted this awhile back. Usually if you gain
    admissions to a school for fall, they do a summer
    orientation in which you register at the school. Most
    schools require you to attend an orientation session prior
    school starting. So you should do your registering then.

    On 3/1...See More
    May 9, 2005
    alm /blockquote>

    Casie, If you are accepted to a school it does not mean that you MUST go to that
    school. You will be asked whether you will attend the school or not, but simply
    applying to a school does not enter you into an agreement of attendance. Good

    On 5/09/05, Another Jess wrote:
    > Casie,
    > I...See More
    Dec 8, 2005

    Environmental Education at Campanario Eco Lodge and
    Biological Reserve

    Environmental education for students of all ages !! !!

    Proyecto Campanario's second mission is to promote
    environmental education to all who spend time at
    Campanario, both local and international visitors.
    Campanario offer...See More

    Do you want to learn spanish? I am Colombian and I will be
    working at Valleyfair from may to august, 2005. I will be
    more than happy to be your spanish teacher. Si quiere
    hablar español escriba a [email removed]!
    Drug Lord /blockquote>

    meth mouth .
    Try to warn your students about the effects of drugs,
    even "legal" drugs, on the body, especially meth nowadays.
    Grisly Effect of One Drug: 'Meth Mouth'; By MONICA DAVEY
    Published: June 11, 2005 , NY Times;
    From the moment on Thursday when the young man sat down in
    Dr. Richard Ste...See More
    Jun 12, 2005

    Devereux is working on a research project that will
    directly impact the lives of many children around the
    country - we could really use your help!

    We are asking parents and teachers of children in grades K-
    8 to complete a short survey on positive behaviors
    exhibited by their child or student. The s...See More

    We are in need of the following states still for our
    postcard exchange:

    AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, HI, ID, IA, KY, LA, ME,
    MD, MA, MN, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NC,ND, RI, SD,TN, VT, VA,
    WA, WI, WY

    If you are interested and your state is listed above
    please email me<...See More

    Hi Minnesota,

    I thought some of you might be interested in my novel
    entitled "Soul of the South" which is being tentatively
    released for the winter of 2005. It is filled with action,
    romance, and intrigue, as my protagonist serves the South
    as a spy in Washington, as a diplomat in England and
    Fr...See More

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